Do you need to take a foreign language in college?


<p>I know colleges reccomend taking 3 and require 2 years of a f language.</p>

<p>i am only taking 2 in hs and was wondering if i would need to take a f language in college? even though i am not taking a f language this year shouldi take a f language my senior year to have 3 years? would i have to take a f language in college? what are the college requirements for f language. im talking about will i need to take a f language in college in order to graduate from college. the spanish teachers at my school suck!</p>

<p>please help, thanks mates!</p>

<p>depends on the college. Many do require proficiency in fl, but many others do not. And, even within the same college, the rules could be different for Arts & Sciences vs. Engineering.</p>

<p>let’s say your majoring in business at a uc or cal state, would you need to take a foreign language??</p>

<p>?? bumpity bump anyone know anything??</p>

<p>Check the degree requirements at your school. They are probably on the school web site somewhere.</p>

<p>Requirements can vary by degree within a college as blue bayou said. At my daughter’s school a BS degree does not require a foreign language if you did 2 years in high school. But a BA requires 2 years in college even if you did it in HS.</p>

<p>Your school catalog or degree sheets should have the information somewhere.</p>

<p>It also depends on the school policies. For some schools, you can use the AP tests in languages or SAT II’s in replacement, if you have taken or are planning to take any.</p>

<p>Usually the UC’s require 3 years of HS foreign language in order not to take it in college, but will accept people will 2 years. I am unsure about the Cal States. Some colleges require that students test out of foreign language requirements by passing a proficiency test prior to starting classes there. Keep in mind that many graduate and doctoral programs will require foreign language fluency.</p>