We’re updating the CC homepage and there’s a potential issue. If you have a moment, please visit https://www.collegeconfidential.com/ and note whether or not you see an image in the top section.
I see the image
I don’t see the image
If you didn’t see the image, please try forcing a page reload with:
Windows: ctrl + F5
Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
Linux: F5
If you still don’t see the image, please comment below so that we can diagnose this issue.
Excellent! The image shows up. We are looking at adjusting the positioning. Depending on the screen width, it can look odd at the moment. (It’s a little strange in your screenshot.)
The first shot was in portrait mode. Here is landscape. On an iPad. You can see there is a difference. Some of the text doesn’t show where the NYU info is.