Do you see me at....?

<p>African American Female
Pittsburgh, PA</p>

<p>My grades in high school have gotten better every year
Freshman year: 3 B's
Sophomore year: 2 B's
Junior year: All A's
Weighted GPA: 4.0/4.0
Classes for Senior Year:
AP Bio, H English, Statistics [Then at a local community college]:Calculus, Psychology, English, Sociology</p>

SAT CR-600, W-670, M-760
US History-4
European History-4

<p>Summer programs:
2005-JHops:study of biotechnology and bioethics (received college credit)
2006-MIT:study of engineering, lasted 6 weeks, very intensive/well-known</p>

<p>Most Significant Stuff:
WPIAL Champion for Team Golf (2006-2007)
WPIAL Section Champion-Golf (2005-’06, 2006-’07)
Future Problem Solving State Qualifier-(2005-2006)
President of Key Club (2006-2008)
Leaders of Tomorrow (2007)
Captain of Golf Team (2007-2008)
Student Council Senator (2006-2008)
Class Council Member (2006-2008)
Interact Club (2005-2006)
Future Problem Solving Head (2004-2005)</p>

Golf (7 years)
Track(5 years)
Piano (11 years)
Internship at the University of Pittsburgh (shadowing Doug Weber who heads the research into Neuroprosthetics) (2007-2008)
Shadowing Chief of Plastic Surgery (Guy Stofman) at Mercy Hospital (2007-2008)
Carnegie Mellon Females in Engineering Day (2007)
North Texas Junior PGA Member (2004-2005)</p>

Key Club
“Toys for Tots”
Angel Tree
Pasta for Pennies
Assisting with mentally challenged at school (5-10 hours a week) <<for the past 2 years</p>

<p>Target Schools:
Wash U of St. Louis
Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
Georgia Tech
Penn State: Univ Park</p>

<p>Feedback is appreciated!!! Thanks</p>

<p>you're in at most of those if not all</p>

<p>AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FTW...if you were asian you wouldn't get into those schools</p>

<p>gotta love how racist this country is</p>

<p>I replied to one of your other posts.</p>

<p>Jfs4691, should be ignored.</p>

<p>I think you're only 'in' to two of 9 (Georgia Tech and Penn State-UP). And GT is a little iffy, because you may be behind in math.</p>

<p>You cannot walk into a top college as a black kid simply because you're black. Especially if you're from Pennsylvania/CT/NY/MA.</p>

<p>^ haha yeah, jfs4691 sounds bitter...</p>

<p>your SAT score is pretty low for some of the schools you're considering. I think you have a good shot at the others though, and affirmative action does help.</p>

<p>As an engineering major, will my 760 for the Math SAT part carry some weight?</p>

<p>How can I stand out in my application?</p>

<p>What is your unweighted GPA and class rank?</p>

<p>Class Rank 27/257
Unweighted GPA: 3.975</p>

<p>You may want to try the ACT as well. It's more math/science oriented.</p>