<p>I have a bunch of ap classes next year and thought of maybe going up to the local bookstore and buying some pr, ap books. Of which I get a head of the game. What do you think?</p>
<p>i think thats a bad idea because those are just review books. If you want to start early buy a good text book.</p>
<p>I am going selfstudy chinese and Latin.
And going to study 3 Sat II test subject</p>
<p>Yeah. I plan to learn all of Physics B this summer, and if I have time, then I will learn up on Government also :P</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm going into Physics B (really like it though) this summer and Cal AB (want to eventually take BC test) and hoping to skim a review book for AP World His. (which will be one boring task)</p>
<p>I'm planning on that too. What's a good AP Comp Sci book for people who have never taken computer science before? Not the prep books but you know the textbooks</p>