Do you think 21 credits is too much?

<p>I'm thinking of taking 21 credits this semseter so that I can accomodate some study abroad plans next year.</p>

<p>what's your major and what classes are you taking? 21 is definitely too much.</p>

<p>Most likely too much, unless you do no clubs, have no friends, and generally no life. If these requirements are met, 21 is about appropriate. Or, if you're a masochist.</p>

<p>it's not too much, unless the classes are like ridic...</p>

<p>depends on what classes. and how many outside commitments you have.</p>

<p>yea exactly, like if most are intro stuff, it's fine.</p>

<p>not necessarily too much, depends on how much time you devote to work. although i'd definitely be surprised if you receieved over a 3.5 this semester.</p>

<p>that's absurd, you could get all As i you work at it</p>

<p>ya. that's been reiterated. it's possible to get all A's... but most people want to have a social life and perhaps other commitments as well. all A's with 21 creds... just saying lots if not most people... maybe im just speaking for myself (if so, sorry) would have a hellish time putting that much time into that many classes... but again, definitely possible</p>

<p>yea, like also it depends on the classes, they could be several relatively easy classes</p>