<p>It's what I'm faced with right now. In the end, I think it's just going to make the college selection process even harder. :(</p>
<p>You will make a great womanizer</p>
<p>Look on the bright side. If you get rejected from some of them, you won’t be as heartbroken. :)</p>
<p>Agree with post above.</p>
<p>Just make sure at least one of the schools you fall in love with is a safety and you’ll be alright.</p>
<p>NO. Not at all. In fact, this is the BEST problem you could have. Best case scenario, you’ll find yourself at a really hard decision - the tables will have turned. The colleges have chosen you, judged you, compared you to others, scrutinized your scores, grades, ECs, and probably your very essence…and now you get to do the same to them. Because if you love them all, and you get accepted to a lot of them, you’ll have to make the decision between them meaning the ball is back in your court. Instead of getting decided (like ED) YOU are the one who will make the final decision.</p>
<p>Not sure if that made sense?</p>
<p>Anyway, NO it’s not a problem, are you kidding?!</p>
<p>Nice problem to have. Yes, it is a problem and the more time you spend going back and forth between different options, the more unhappy you will make yourself as you contemplate the increasing opportunity cost of going with one over the others. However, you should put some serious thought into your decision and reach out to people that have experience with these schools. Not everybody loves their alma mater, find someone who doesn’t and find out why.</p>