Do you think I could get in?

<p>I am a rising senior at a small, competitive, Catholic highschool outside of Chicago. I am in the top 15% of my class with a 4.2 GPA, a 30 on my ACT and a 1950 on SAT. I take as many AP and honors courses as I can handle and have ever since freshman year. I have also maintained A honor roll status hroughout my highschool career. I was inducted to the National Honor Society Alexine chapter as well as the National English Honor Society. I was also nominated and accepted to Roadrunner Club. It is a club that elects students based on morale, character, academic achievement, and leadership skills. I also hold a leadership position in my school's Youth Initiative group. </p>

<p>I am interested in marine biology and love what the University of Miami has to offer its undergrads in that field. I volunteer at the Shedd Aquarium in downtown Chicago as a guest engagement worker. I give presentaions on the wildflife around the aquarium and conservation. I am very active at the aquarium and will be able to get stellar letters of recommendations from my supervisors. I wrote an essay on my love of marine life and conservation starting from when I was three years old and rescued a stranded jellyfish on the beach. My english professor loved it. </p>

<p>I have received excellent letters of recommendations from teachers and my guidance counselor who I have very good relationships with.</p>

<p>If anyone can help me out, your input would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!</p>

<p>I also volunteer over 300 hours a year at my parish through habitat for humanity, the aquarium, and my school</p>

<p>I have been on the cross country and soccer teams for all four years</p>

<p>and i have a job at an insurance company as a secretary</p>

<p>Please help me out!</p>

<p>Apply EA, and use your ACT. Find out if marine biology is a limited admission major;otherwise you should be fine. Your EC’s are excellent for what you want to do</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>@Isabella57: The marine science program is a required double major. Although there is no limited admission, it’s usually a fairly small major because most people feel that they can’t handle a double major. You would have to do marine science and another core science such as biology, chemistry, physics, or geology. You can find out more at the UMiami website. Just go to the Academic Bulletin and find Marine and Atmospheric Science Program under Undergraduate Academic Programs. As to getting in, I feel like you have a very good shot at not only getting in, but getting some merit scholarship money as well. Hope I helped! :)</p>

<p>yes that helps immensely! I love marine biology and a double major would be a welcome challenge in order to study at the university :slight_smile: Thanks</p>

<p>Not a problem! I’ll be applying with you :)</p>

<p>Well then I wish you luck! Maybe well be classmates! :)</p>

<p>Haha, maybe!</p>