Do you think I could get into University of Alabama?

<p>Hi there! Let me first start off with I struggled with major anxiety my freshman year and had a rocky start. Also the acceptance rate for the school is 53.1% I’m wondering if you guys will think they would over look it? I’m finishing my sophomore year up with a 3.16 GPA (only one honor class). I placed sixth in the state of North Carolina for swimming and am swim captain. I’m also apart of almost every club at my school, including being secretary of my class. Next year I plan to run for vice president, and senior year president. My junior year I am already enrolled in 3 AP classes, 2 honors, and Mandarin for my language. I have finally over come my anxiety and believe I can try to max out all my grades to all A’s, leaving me with a 4.5 GPA. I have an internship with a congressman in DC this summer, as well as a 3 week law program at Georgetown University. Senior year classes are not official yet but I should have two AP classes, and two honors. What do you guys think my chances are? Thanks so much for answering!</p>

<p>As long as your ACT is 21 or higher, you shouldn’t have any problem, with that kind of GPA. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. A lot of Bama’s rejects are low scoring students, though the avg. ACT and GPA has been increasing almost each year for the last 12 or so years. At least 30 per cent of UA’s students now have an ACT above 30. Still, you really have nothing to worry about. </p>

<p>My son is graduating from high school tomorrow, and he has also had significant issues with anxiety. First of all, you should be proud of yourself for fighting that battle successfully! I want to caution you strongly not to overload yourself next year. My son got overconfident as his anxiety decreased, tried 4 AP’s and a directed study this year, and got so overwhelmed that his anxiety skyrocketed. It took a shortened school day and a some other drastic measures for him to recover so that he is graduating tomorrow. He is accepted to Bama with a generous scholarship, but we still have plans in place to keep his courseload very light his first semester as he adjusts to college. You are well on your way to having the kind of stats you need to get accepted to Alabama, and no where is there a requirement that you need to max out to a 4.5 and load up on AP’s. I would suggest, instead, that you take on 1-2 AP classes and see if you can continue applying the skills and strategies you’ve learned to manage your anxiety. Use the gift of time you’re going to give yourself to prepare for the SAT or ACT so that, again, you can walk into those tests feeling in control of your anxiety. I was also a swimmer, so I know how many hours a day you are spending in the pool in addition to school. Part of dealing with anxiety is learning to manage your lifestyle in a way that promotes wellbeing, and I really hope you will listen to my advice on this decision. You obviously worked very hard to get to a better place, and you’ve got lots of time to continue that amazing progress. </p>