Hi, I’m a rising senior who’s currently working on college apps. I’m applying to a lot of schools, but my main ones are:
- UC Berkeley
- Cornell
- Columbia
- UPenn
I was wondering how my chances are for these schools. I’m a CA resident so UCs are my top choices, but obviously if I got into any of the other three I would be thrilled. I appreciate your help!
GPA 9-12: 4.40/3.81
GPA 10-12: 4.63/3.81
UC GPA (uncapped 9-11): 4.57
Most rigorous course load - 4 AP’s sophomore year, 7 junior year, 6 senior year
Current courses: AP Physics C, AP Gov. & Politics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Statistics, AP Comp. Sci.
ACT: 35C
SAT Math II: 770/800
SAT Chemistry: 720/800
AP Scores: Physics 2 (3) Biology (4) Chemistry (4) US History (4) World History (4) English Language (5) Psychology (5) Calculus AB (5) Calculus BC (5)
- Vocal musician of 12+ years, performed publicly
- Co-editor of monthly cultural publication
- Hospital volunteer (150+ hours)
- Intern at computational biochemistry lab where I performed research on cancer receptor
- AP Scholar with Distinction
- National AP Scholar
- National Merit Semifinalist
I’m probably going to major in MCB or biochem. Thanks a lot 
You have an excellent chance at UCSD/UCLA and UCB. You will get into at least of these schools if not all.
thank you @Gumbymom . i certainly hope so!
You’ll definitely get into nearly all of these schools. You have an excellent chance at the top 2 UCs - LA and B. UCs are very stats driven and you’ve got the stats. congrats!
This cannot be said about Columbia or Penn for any applicant.
Your weighted capped UC GPA is probably 4.1 or so, right?
If so, UCB and UCLA are reaches, and UCSD is probably a low reach or high match, based on 2015 admit rates by GPA (12%, 14%, 39% respectively for 3.80 to 4.19).
@sunshine232 @TomSrOfBoston thanks guys!
@ucbalumnus the max possible uc gpa at my school is a 4.25 or so. since my uncapped is high and i had so much rigor, and judging by my schools acceptance history, my counselor says I’ll be fine.
You’ll def get into ucsd, but have a pretty good chance at UCLA and UCBerkley (But those schools are so big that it ends up being completely random). chance me? http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1930377-what-are-my-chances-for-usc-and-emory.html
You have seen the past admit rates for UCs at http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1903428-faq-uc-historical-frosh-admit-rates-by-hs-gpa.html , right?
Do you have actual safeties in your list, or are you good with starting at a community college as your safety plan?
@tallykaye Thanks! I’ll chance you!
@ucbalumnus Yeah…I’m just telling you what my counselor said and I’m sure her info is pretty accurate. I have UCR, SDSU, and UCSC as safeties.
@TomSrOfBoston - my bad, I was just referring to the UCs
Be aware that biology majors at UCSD have reached capacity. If you are admitted to UCSD but not to a biology major, then there is no guarantee that you will be able to switch to a biology major.
@ucbalumnus Yup, I know. I’ll be applying to a chemistry major which is not capped, at least not yet. Thanks 
I believe that UCLA and UCB look at uncapped UC GPA - you can verify - that will really play to your advantage. Excellent chances at the UC’s - impressive stats. Well done!
Fam you’re going to get into one of these. I would be hella shocked if at least UCSD didn’t take you.
UCLA/UCB will look at UW UC GPA, Capped weighted UC GPA and Fully weighted (uncapped) UC GPA.
Nothing is a sure thing. I have a student at UCB, and 2 students admitted to UCLA.
First, I think the average UW GPA at Berkeley, recent profile data is 3.91. The EC’s play a huge role, not just stats.
The key is to have a strong app in ECs and strong essays as well. Don’t think you’re a shoe in. Your GPA and SATs open the door, but they can’t get you through.
correction: 3.89 in state, 3.92 OOS (average GPA admitted students)
Thanks everyone!! Fingers crossed 
@preppedparent how would you say my ECs are? I think my music and lab work will help a lot…(hopefully)