Do you think it would be a good idea to take both Java and HTML in the summer?

<p>Or is that too much? To be more specific the Java class would also be an introduction to programming class so it would take up a lot of time. The summer session is only 6 weeks so it would be pretty accelerated.</p>

<p>Take java to get your feet wet. HTML is easy enough to learn by yourself if you are computer savvy.</p>

<p>Don’t waste any time or money on taking HTML. You can learn it in 5 minutes from a webpage.</p>

<p>HTML isn’t even programming. Infact, all you have to do is memorize how it works and all the tags. Right click and view source on any webpage on the internet and begin reading. Then experiment with yourself. Go to Notepad, write the following:</p>


</p><h1>HAI WURLD.</h1>


<p>Figure out how everything works. Toy with it. That’s the easiest way to learn programming languages, and is especially effective with HTML because honestly there’s no way to even learn it because it hardly has any real structure (apart from the structure you will be aware of… after you learn it).</p>

<p>With Java, practice practice practice, toy toy toy, dink around with it till you pass out on your keyboard. That is how you master programming languages.</p>