do you think the economy with have an effect on the applicant pool?

<p>I know that Dartmouth has a great financial aid plan, butttt do you think that less people will apply early (or at all for that matter) because they are opting for state schools and such? So basically people who can afford to pay the full tuition have a better chance?
I know this is supposed to be the most competitive year, but I was just wondering if this changes things?</p>

<p>who knows</p>

<p>Well, there have been numerous reports talking about how public school apps are up significantly this year-so, yeah, that is occuring. I doubt the effect will be drastic, though. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Dartmouth started to pay a little bit more attention to an applicant’s wealth, even if they say they’re “need blind”- I bet at this point they’re more like “need visually impared.”</p>

<p>I have a hard time understanding how need blind colleges come up with very close to the same percentage needing financial aid each year. I would have to believe it would be a crisis if that percentage went up significantly one year. Thoughts?</p>

<p>My understanding is that they do not see the amount that is needed but they see whether they requested and got a fee waiver.</p>

<p>In my interview yesterday I heard that the number of ED applicants in my area is down 10 last year to 2 this year.</p>

<p>See this - which is perhaps unexpected:
[</a> | College sees record number of E.D. apps](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>^12.5% increase. Yippee.</p>

<p>aahhhh thats annoying
i was hoping that MAYBE this financial crisis could do SOMETHING positive right about now lol… oh well… i just we’ll just have to wait and see! :]</p>

<p>Apparently, ED numbers are up all over the board: [The</a> Bubble That Didn’t Burst :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education’s Source for News, Views and Jobs](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Everyone is so freaked out because this is the biggest applicant pool, (as they should be), that they’re all trying to do whatever they can to get into their dream school, so for many, (like me), that means applying ED.</p>