<p>They send out reports every once in awhile.</p>
<p>By the way guys, let me just rap up the situation again one last time cause everyone seems a bit puzzled:</p>
<h1>1 doesn’t really care about ranks. He’s only getting frustrated a bit because #7 keeps biting his head off that #1 supposedly “cheated” by “cutting corners” (which is taking hard classes).</h1>
<p>To put it bluntly. #1 took 5 more AP classes than #7. #7 took Orchestra 4 years straight. Orchestra counts as an unweighted class, hence lowering his GPA. #7 also has more A’s and A+'s than #1 (A-, A, A+ all weigh the same), thought he didn’t have a rigorous schedule(s) as much as #1 did.</p>
<h1>1 and I both appreciate this thread and was wondering any way we can tell #7 to end this discussion cause it is getting absolutely ridiculous. #1 claims he does NOT care about rank, but #7 persistently tells him off. It’s even starting to annoy me.</h1>