do you think we'll hear the 28th or the 31st

<p>Just got accepted + honors but NO EMAIL. So check the site.</p>

<p>Are we gonna make an official thread?</p>


<p>College Park Scholars program too! Is that their honors college?</p>

<p>ACCEPTED! Seriously! <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It says, "Congratulations, Anne [mylastname]!</p>

<p>You have been admitted to the University of Maryland for the Fall 2011 semester!</p>

<p>We are pleased to welcome you to our world-class research university. Your exceptional talents and achievements will enhance our academic community of scholars and leaders. You should be proud to call yourself a Terp!</p>

<p>Please find your Academic Major and Residency Classification below.</p>

Maryland Residency: RESIDENT
University ID Number (U_ID): [mynumber]


<p>Yuppitt- Scholars is Different from honors.</p>

<p>It has different living/learning programs</p>

<p>and enskaisin, you have the same selected major as me! good luck =)</p>

<p>i got freshman connection too what are we supposed to do?</p>

<p>got into honors college. this will be a tough decision between maryland and unc-ch</p>

<p>I’d rather have a denied status then not having anything at all. This is more frustrating than the last few days combined</p>

<p>Accepted into Honors :slight_smile: Scholarship information isn’t available yet, correct?</p>

<p>Congrats to all :)</p>

<p>I got in!!</p>

Nope. March for most. B/K interview letters should be out in a couple weeks</p>

<p>hmm accepted for spring semester. ah well, UMD wasn’t my first choice anyway =)</p>

<p>Accepteddd :)</p>

<p>Didn’t get in. But honestly, they play too many games for me so it’s probably not a bad thing.</p>

<p>Sweet! Got accepted for the Fall 2011 semester for Aerospace Engineering. Accepted to the Scholars Program too; I’ll have to read up on that to see if it’s worth it.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone. Who knows, I may see you all in the fall :)</p>

<p>I got in and invited to the Scholars program, which I’m unfamiliar with. Can anyone offer some information? :)</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone else who was accepted!</p>

<p>Accepted to spring. Yay? Idk…its just annoying because now I have to wait even more to hear about fall term. Plus you don’t get on campus housing for the Freshmen Connection program.</p>

<p>Accepted. Thnx for the ride guys haha.</p>

<p>Honors college baabbyyyyy!</p>

<p>I still don’t know! Haha the wait is killing me. I guess they are still updating</p>