Do you want to go Harvard?

<p>Do you want to go Harvard?
Do you want to go to Harvard? So do I...</p>

Thank you for spending your time reading this.
I'm an international student from Turkmenistan ( tiny country in Central Asia)</p>

<p>I really need some help you guys to chance me:</p>

<p>The good things about me are:</p>

<p>**NO one has ever gone to Harvard from my motherland. I'm 80 % sure no one has ever applied. (I guess I'm a minority? BUt I'm not sure if it matters..)</p>

<p>ACT - perfect - writing 10 out of 12
6 perfect SAT 2 subject scores Physics
Math 1,
MAth 2,
Us history,</p>

<h2>World History</h2>

<p>I Speak 8 languages fluently Turkmen,

<h2>Soccer all my life</h2>

<p>Track - State qualifier. 800 m ( never ran track before)</p>

<p>The sad thing is that I'm not an olympic champion. Neither do I have an international award that sets me out of 30,000 applicants.....</p>

<p>I didn't get enough opportunities to participate in international contests...</p>


<p>HOW DOES THE PROCESS works for internationals applicants to Harvard?
1) Do internals compete with all the applicants? or Does harvard have only 10% like most other colleges do?</p>

<p>2) Are there spots that internals compete for?</p>


<p>yes you are a minority
yes it matters
and yes you have a chance :)</p>

<p>esp with the sats and acts
you do</p>

<p>You have no chance, sorry!</p>

<p>U have a shot</p>

<p>and I don’t want to go to Harvard…really, no interest in it.</p>

<p>You do have a chance, do not worry. Everything will be fine.</p>

<p>Do you have a chance? I should say so… I’d put you at about 70-80% to get in… if not even higher. You are an international student from an (excuse me if this term offends) impoverished country, you have all the stats that will impress, and furthermore you are from a country that Harvard has never accepted a student from… that is a HUGE hook considering all the Ivies basically compete to see who can represent the most nations around the world. You speak 8 languages, play soccer, run track… if Harvard rejects you, something is seriously wrong… like admissions committee decided randomly to shoot up on crack before reviewing applications kind of wrong.</p>

<p>Probably ■■■■■■■■ right now, but I’ll answer:</p>

<p>No, you don’t want to go to Harvard. I don’t know why anyone would want to go to Harvard. No one that goes there actually LIKES it, it’s not a fun school to go to</p>



<p>Where are you attending high school?</p>

<p>I’m attending school in Boarding School in Connecticut.
THank you!</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot, as long as you had a solid set of essays. And you speak farsi! Che jaleb! Omidvaram ke be Harvard gabool beshin :slight_smile: My dad is azerbaijani-irooni, so it’s nice to see CCer’s that would be familiar with that. Good luck!</p>