<p>I haven't told them yet. Have you?</p>
<p>ya they paid for my apps</p>
<p>Same story...he's mildly supportive, but confused about why I can't just suck it up.</p>
<p>yeah, they do, thankfully they have no idea where I?m actually transferring.</p>
<p>Yes, same with me about the mild support.</p>
<p>I told my parents long time ago and they paid for my app. fee.</p>
<p>My parents couldn't be happier to get me out of here!!! Thankfully, they're so, super supportive and have helped me every step of the way. I guess they just want me to be happy...and for their money to go to a place that they think will be a better investment for my future connections, etc.
Mal :)</p>
<p>where are you going to school right now?</p>
<p>My parents didn't know that I applied for a transfer until I called them about my acceptance letter.</p>
<p>Yeah, but they don't think I'll get in anywhere. Actually, no one seems to. But just you watch: I'll prove them wrong!</p>
<p>chamnan, how'd they react? haha</p>
<p>well. my dad wanted me to stick to SJSU cause i'm already in SJ and because of the job market after undergrad. he's really stuck on sjsu cause of my sister's experience. ...me, well i just wanna get outta the house. i applied to 4 schools and i paid for the fees myself (sjsu, calpoly, uci and ucla) my first choice is UCLA and when he first found out from a piece of paper i left on my desk, he was like whaaaaat is this. i was like uhhm, yeah imma try it out. he's still stuck on sjsu and im hoping i can just get in. my mother on the other hand, is supportive and wants me to do my own thing. problem is, my dad has more financial support behind him.. and i'm under him for tax purposes cause my parents are divorced. i won't get too much financial aid if i apply. i'm just hoping i get into ucla and if i do, hopefully i can do it mostly by myself if i must</p>
<p>Well, the first thing I did was ask for 50K, which they laughed...and responsed: "What are you gonna do with it, buy a Mercede?" Then I revealed that I needed for WUSTL. And the next thing I heard was "Oh!!" and followed by silent.</p>
<p>My parents suggested it before I did, when I didn't get into the school I had set my sights on they said well if you don't like where you end up then try and transfer.<br>
Throughout the process they have been very helpful financially and otherwise, I could not ask for better.<br>
But I think this current helpfulness is related to the fact that they were no good when I was applying as a high school senior, no school visits, very negative about everything. I think they realized that they had made a mistake when, upon me being rejected by my first choice school they finally let me visit the other two I was accepted to and realized that neither of them were what I had thought they would be.</p>
<p>That is my story exactly.</p>
<p>TerrarumOrbis that's a shame that yours wants you to "suck it up" As a parent of a rising sophomore who's thinking about transfering, I don't want my kid to "suck it up" (or as I call it "white knuckle" through).</p>
<p>Best to you.</p>
<p>My dad thinks I'm running away from the uni I'm at or that I'm on probation there and have to find another place. Neither is true. My mom is more supportive, but not sure about letting me go away. I figure I apply, see if I get accepted and go from there. I used my dad's card to pay for apps.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone</p>
<p>my family knows (mom, grandparents, etc), but they've got mixed feelings about it. i'm at a "good" in-state university, but my main concern is that it doesn't have my major (i want to be a neurosurgeon --> neuroscience major, bio minor; they've got a so-so psych program and a decent-but-not-excellent bio program)... obviously a problem. i want to go to usc, berkeley, or ucla - far away, high tuition, high-expense city, you know the deal.</p>
<p>my family is midly supportive, but at the same time, everyone tells me to just suck it up and that getting ANY degree from any school is good enough to do what i want to do. i guess i just have to keep my fingers crossed for admission and PLENTY of aid.</p>