<p>Was on the DOC website reading about freshman trips, but couldn't find the answer to my question. Is there an additional separate fee if you decide to register for one of the freshman trips? Around how much does it cost or is it included in your freshman tuition and fees? Thanks for clarifying.</p>
<p>The DOC trips are not included in your freshman tuition yes, there is a separate fee. The school will send you information about the trips in June (after graduation) (as they do not begin until late august). IF you have a financial need, you can contact them and receive FA or a discount on your trip.</p>
<p>If you live closer to the school (NY, CT, NJ, MA) you will most likely go on on eof the first 4 trips and then return home. When comng from NY, NJ, CT there is a bus that leaves from NYC that will take you to Hanover for your trip and bring you back for an additional nominal fee.</p>
<p>If you live cross country (ex. CA, FL, TX, (nternational students, etc.) you will be scheduled for the last 4 trips, place your stuff in your room and move in at the end of your trip.</p>
<p>Please please please please go on the DOC trip. </p>
<p>You won’t regret it. And the college will do anything it can to get you on that trip if you need financial aid.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the info! The DOC trips sound great!</p>
<p>If you want numbers, this year the trip fee was $160 (all meals, etc included) and the bus I took had a fee of about $72. I also received some financial aid (p-m me if you want the specifics).</p>
<p>DOC trips are amazing. Those who don’t do it end up regretting it.</p>
<p>go on a trip go on a trip go on a trip GO ON A TRIP!</p>
<p>My trip was arguably the best experience of my life. I have seriously considered impersonating a freshman so I could do it again. Becoming a trip leader/crew member is EXTREMELY competitive because all of US want to DO IT AGAIN. </p>
<p>Trips = life.</p>
<p>I will say that of all the Dartmouth kids I’ve spoken to over winter break, they have all GUSHED about the DOC trips. They really had a great time and of course, absolutely love everything about Dartmouth… even the weather!</p>
<p>I’m probably one of the few who was not in love with my DOC trip - I thought it was fun, but I wouldn’t rank it among the best experiences of freshman year, let alone my life. If I could, I’d impersonate a freshman to get into the annual orientation hypnosis show. That was something. Buttt I still strongly recommend going on a DOC trip. You have nothing at all to lose from going on one. I have a friend who could not afford to go on the trip, but Dartmouth was very generous about helping him out, so money should not be an excuse. Go on one. You’ll either love it, or you’ll think it was just another great Dartmouth experience - either way, you can’t lose.</p>
<p>I didn’t go on the trip, and I am having a great time socially. I feel that the campus/kids really hype up the social importance of DOC trips. Yes, you will meet a lot of people/friends and have some great bonding but it isn’t the end of the world if you can’t go on one. Just wanted to put that in there, because I had thought I would have no friends w/o a trip group before I came here.</p>
<p>Haha knickknack. Well I think the point was that ppl were encouraging him/her to go because everyone who has gone on a trip has really enjoyed it…not that it would be the end of the world if you didn’t go.</p>
<p>It’s definitely not the end of the world. But, you’ve got to admit that you’ve regretted not doing it.</p>
<p>Ah ah ah. Let him/her be.</p>
<p>how are the trips for non-outdoorsy people? Did you like them?</p>
<p>GO ON A TRIP.</p>
<p>Trips are awesome.</p>
<p>GO ON A TRIP.</p>
<p>Face it, like 75% (completely arbitrary figure, but i think it’s pretty representative) of Dartmouth kids aren’t very outdoorsy, yet about 90% of those kids still go on trips, and very few people don’t enjoy them.</p>
<p>GO ON A TRIP.</p>