Does a B ruin UCLA for me?

<p>I had gotten straight A's the last year and I got a B in Pre-Calc because I thought I was taking it credit no credit but I guess I wasn't and I got the B. Now my gpa dropped from a 3.81 to a 3.71. I am taking honors courses next semester to do a TAP program, but I am worried because she told me I needed straight A's next semester and now I got this B. any suggestions or insight? I am trying to get into biz econ at ucla. I will be taking calc and acct and some other fun stuff next semester</p>

<p>if 3.71 GPA is ur unweighted GPA, then you are fine. dont worry.
Just remember that the probability of getting accepted with 4.0 GPA or above is almost 60% when the probability of getting accepted is 20 something percent for those below 4.0 GPA. (i’m talking about weighted GPA here.)</p>

<p>With decent SAT scores around 2000+ and decent ECs, you wil be fine for UCLA.
(btw, this only applies to California residents.)</p>

<p>If you’re not californian, then idk. LOL</p>

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<p>I am a transfer student and my UC transferable GPA went from 3.81 to 3.71. I got to a california cc.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re in-state.</p>

<p>No, I don’t think a B will ruin you.</p>

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<p>Yes a B will ruin you for UCLA. That’s their mascot. UCLA Bruins ;)</p>

<p>^ HAHAHA babydragon :D</p>

<p>lol…i noticed that…does a B ruin me ahhahaha…ucla has got to show some love for that…are you gonna let a b ruin me ucla?</p>

<p>What are you majoring in? UCLA admits by major. If you’re going to transfer as a communications major, you won’t get in with a 3.71. If you’re a Scandinavian Studies major, you’re a shoe-in.</p>

<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Profile”>Transfer Profile — Fall 2023 | UCLA Undergraduate Admission)</p>

<p>SAT scores are moot. If you can raise your GPA above 4.0, you’ll be in for sure, and I’ll kiss your feet when you get to UCLA.</p>

<p>what’s B in percentage at your school? i think if its above 90, you are fine.</p>

<p>in state california cc…doing tag also</p>

<p>im doing business…i may be able to get the grade changed to p/np idk…im doing tag and plannin on gettin a’s next semester. i forsure cant above a 4.0 bc at cc the highest you can get is 4.0. my counselor tells me i need all A’s. im just hoping this B in a pre req course doesnt ■■ me…it wasnt a major course just a prereq to get into the class im taking next semester. calc 3a</p>

<p>No, ONE B won’t ruin you. Probably two won’t either. But considering the average GPA for Biz/Econ is 3.86 at UCLA, you’ll definitely need to pump it up. Sure, you might have a good chance with a 3.8, but just play it safe. Get As.</p>

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<p>I like how your thread title says “B ruin”…it looks like bruin.</p>

<p>^ Someone before you already established that. (:</p>

<p>And I’m positive one B won’t ruin anything. Yeah your GPA is a little lower than average but… You’re in TAP, you got this! But keep in mind you can’t take c/nc classes for UCs.</p>

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<p>what’s the difference between c/no cr and pass/no pass</p>

<p>just take some classes to boost your gpa, or get A’s in your other prereq classes</p>

<p>I was mistaken. You can take pass/no pass (c/nc - same thing) but I read somewhere it doesn’t look so great on your transcript. I could be wrong.</p>

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<p>ya thanks a lot guys…‘you got this’ actually makes me feel good you dont even know thx…I thought about it and from my own standpoint someone who took a course cr/no cr means they were lazy. i think a B is better than cr/ no cr because you might have got a 72% in the class which is the cutoff for credit. I thought I was taking cr/ no credit because my counselor told me to do it and it was for pre calc, a course that is not in my major, just a course needed to get to calc 3a. a prereq course. Next semester im gonna be in the hard stuff but I’ll buckle down and take care of it. My counselor said it was cool to take it cr/ no cr because if I didn;t get an A it would only hurt my GPA</p>

<p>i can hold off on taking a geography class, but I should just take it next semester to get another A on the transcript for fall 09. ALso does anyone know if I got in as my 2nd choice major of geography which is not really by choice but because I will have all the courses done for that major as well, if I had every business econ req done but for some reason they didn’t accept me as business is there any way to change into that major I will have all the courses complete. My TAP/honors counselor wont flat out say just get into the school and worry about the major later, but she makes it seem like the goal is to get into UCLA regardless and that I will be able to get my Business Econ BA. Anyone have any knowledge of what really happens and what is possible, I know the policy says you can’t change but if I have all the stuff done it seems like it is possible??!@?!?</p>

<p>just don’t take pass/no pass in your major courses or like english or math courses. the balls are in your court, you can turn this situation to your advantage if you do good in your prereq courses</p>