<p>I got a C first semester of PreCalc Honors. My overall junior year GPA is still a 4.5, but I'm wondering if the one C will look extremely bad and just drag down my application to Berkeley overall. I really want to get in, and I can't help but feel depressed that this one slip-up has annihilated my chances. Thanks.</p>
<p>Well I got a C Junior year as well (Screw AP Calc) and I still feel confident about my chance. Whether that feeling is merited or not is another story, however.</p>
<p>So basically, ya, does that ruin one’s chances?</p>
<p>Edit: BTW, I am planning on studying the Humanities, I’m totally not an engineer or anything like that.</p>
<p>those are both honors/ap courses… it just matters what your overall unweighted and weighted GPA are… CHILL OUT… you’re starting to sound like me… haha</p>
<p>Do you like being you? If so, is sounding like you really a bad thing?</p>
<p>Ya, I know there’s nothing to be done, it’s just interesting to hear from Cal students about this kind of stuff.</p>
<p>haha yeah, i like being me so i guess it’s not a bad thing. :]
I’m not a Cal student… but I am a perspective student. </p>
<p>And I agree. :]</p>
<p>I know you’re also a perspective, I was just trying to make a generalization about my feelings towards posts from current students. Ugh, I’m in essay mode right now, sorry.</p>
<p>Soooooooo…any current students going to respond?</p>
<p>Yeah, I should have clarified. I too want nothing to do with math/science in college. Planning to apply as an english major.</p>
<p>Yes! One more dodges the bullet of weeding and impacted majors that is the hard sciences.</p>
<p>I’m going into Engineering most likely :X</p>
<p>I’m so sorry, haha, jk. If that’s your passion and strength, go for it. Who knows, you might make it through.</p>
<p>Still no response from The Elders. What the heck?</p>
<p>the elders… lol… I know!</p>
<p>Freaking answer them!! T.T</p>
<p>Yeah… math and science is my thing btw. :]</p>
<p>no but it definitely hurts a lot. i go to a top high school (top 25 in nation) and my friends who got Cs, even just one, did not get into berkeley</p>
<p>I went to a top 1500 high school and I got a C in AP Physics and I got in Berkeley.</p>
<p>Ok, two conflicting responses. Ode to Joy.</p>
<p>Anyone else care to chime in?</p>
<p>admission decisions are based on a variety of things. of course getting a C will more than likely hurt your standing amongst the masses applying to Berkeley. But it doesn’t mean you won’t get in.
I know a person who got a C in both AP Calc and Bio, but still got in to Berkeley. (Didn’t get into UCLA, which is where she actually wanted to go though.)</p>
<p>i am a current first-year. i know of atleast one person who has received several Cs in their HS career but got in. if the rest of your app (esp personal essays) is merit-worthy, i dont see why either of you two wouldnt get in</p>
<p>I love against me!!!</p>
<p>deshi: What?</p>