Does a college like this exist?

<p>Warm weather year-round, great academics (comparable to Boston University), little to no Greek life, down-to-earth/open-minded/intellectual people, diverse student body, non-sketchy surrounding area, size doesn't matter...</p>

<p>Does a college like this actually exist?</p>

<p>Chicago sounds like that, if you’re willing to accept discontinuity in your warm weather. We hit the high 60’s over winter break, then plunged right back into blizzard season xD.</p>

<p>Stanford. Enough said.</p>

<p>Rny2- Totally forgot about Chicago! Why hadn’t I thought about that place earlier?? :wink: Sounds like paradise for the warm-weather lover that I am.</p>

<p>woeishe- Stanford would be amazing, if only I could get into Stanford. :frowning: My life. I could get in places like Boston University or UMD-College Park, but definitely not Stanford.</p>


<p>Is it bad that weather is the main factor for me in choosing a college? I absolutely LOATHE cold weather and snow but all the colleges I’m interested in have winters with cold temperatures and snow. I think it would definitely hamper my productivity to go to a school that has winters… I just detest being in cold climates. Why must the world be so unfair?</p>

<p>(Oh and I’m actually going to be starting college in a climate comparable to Antarctica this fall because I am an idiot. I just want suggestions for schools so that if I’m not able to survive the weather there, I can try transferring somewhere else with much better weather)</p>

<p>You’d probably want California schools. UCSD? Caltech? The Claremont Colleges?
(These I know fit your other criteria besides weather too.)</p>

<p>Sent from my Droid using CC App</p>

<p>Rice University fits your description.</p>

<p>Maybe University of Miami in Florida? I don’t know about the type of people/atmosphere, but it’s warm and it’s got equally as good, if not better, academics than BU :)</p>

<p>Rice University!</p>

<p>The Claremont Colleges seem to fit well. Pomona probably is too selective; CMK might be, too. What about Pitzer?</p>

<p>On the small college side, look at some of the southern schools on the “Colleges That Change Lives” list. Possibilities:
Agnes Scott (Georgia; women only)
Centre College (Kentucky; Forbes magazine has rated this school #1 among “Best Colleges in the South”)
Hendrix (Arkansas)</p>

<p>You mentioned UMCP. Another Maryland school to consider is St. Mary’s College of Maryland. SMCM (Maryland’s public honors college) has the look and feel of a small private LAC in a beautiful waterfront setting. At full-pay, out of state rates it would be about $15K-$20K less expensive than a typical selective private LAC.</p>

<p>Elon in North Carolina</p>

<p>Stanford, U of Florida, UNC Chapel Hill, Davidson, William & Mary come to mind.</p>

<p>The little to no greek life is the kicker, especially for southern schools. U of Miami and Occidental fit all your requirements.</p>

<p>Add Emory and Tulane</p>

<p>William and Mary was the first school that came to mind for me. A couple of other schools qualify minus the Greek life thing- especially Davidson.</p>

<p>I would say Rice fits your description well as others have mentioned (the key part with Rice is weather. It’s warm all year round!).</p>

<p>UCSD hands down.</p>

<p>UM sounds like a good match! I’m not so sure about the greek life, but it’s a great school regardless</p>

<p>Honestly why would you want to go to a school with “little to no Greek life?” This makes little sense to most. Believe me Greeks at most colleges are not what you see in Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds. </p>

<p>If for some reason that really is a requirement for you then you might want to check out Southern religious schools. Many do not have any Greek affiliation, though most will have Farmhouse and a Spirit Organization. </p>

<p>For your great weather requirement look at colleges in So Cal, Mississippi, the SEC area, Louisiana and South Texas. The University of Hawaii at Manoa is also a great school and though they have some Greek life, the school is pretty non Greek.</p>

<p>National Universities…
UC San Diego
UC Irvine

<p>LAC’s and Regional…
Claremont Colleges (Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer)
Occidental College
Loyola Marymount University
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo</p>

<p>UVA and UCLA seem to fit your description.</p>

<p>UVA is pretty much warm and UCLA would be too, I think.</p>