Does a common data set GPA contain senior year GPA in full or just the GPA when applied?

For example,

let’s say I have a 3.7 UW GPA when I apply to Harvard, or Yale, or anything early action in October. However, at the end of senior year my GPA was a 3.8 UW.

Would Harvard (or any school) list my GPA in the 3.75+ category or would they list it in the 3.5 - 3.75 category?

If you are referring to the HS GPAs of all enrolled, degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students (questions C11 and C12 of the Common Data Set), I can’t speak for Harvard, but when I worked at a university I had to query data to answer questions for the Common Data Set.

I used their HS GPA from their final official HS transcript.

The way the data was stored in our system, it would have been much more time consuming to retrieve the data as of their application, especially if the applicants sent in updates for quarter or semester grades.

^ Same for the college where my DW worked. It’s the final HS transcript.

The common data set information generally provides the GPA and test scores ranges of those who actually enroll as freshman and are typically based on information that is available in August for entering freshman who begin in August, and thus the ranges are based on information in the final high school transcript.

Alright, thanks!