Does a low EFC hurt your chances of acceptance to a school facing budget cuts?

<p>I was just wondering, if a college sees that your family has a pretty dang low EFC and that you are most likely going to need a lot of FinAid (21,000+) will they be more skeptical to accept you???</p>

<p>I feel I have pretty strong stats but my EFC is kinda low I think, will this hurt my chances, especially since they're facing such big budget cuts??</p>

<p>Of course I've heard that EFCs won't effect anything, but is this really true?</p>


<p>X-posted in FinAid too...</p>

<p>At schools that are need aware, yes. At schools like the ivies that are need blind and meet full need, no. At schools that don’t meet full need it can go either way, some accept without offering adequate aid and others will reject if they don’t have the money for you.</p>