Does the AB Subscore you get matter? Like if you get a 5 on the exam as a whole, but a 4 on the AB section, will it negatively affect how colleges view your score?
I doubt that’s ever happened, to get a 5 on BC but 4 on AB would require you to intentionally do worse on AB specific questions. The real sketchy ground is once you have a 5 AB subscore, whether you get a 4 or a 5 on BC.
It will only matter for some colleges if you score well on the AB portion, but don’t score high enough on the overall exam, you might still get credit for calc 1. But credit policies are up to the individual colleges. For the inverse, scoring higher on the overall exam than on the AB subsection, nobody will care, other than you.
I’m sure it has, since the difference between a 4 and a 5 is one point on the raw score.
Not sketchy at all.