Does academic interest affect admission?

<p>Can/will the academic interests you chose on the supplement affect your chances of admission? Or does Dartmouth just evaluate the student overall no matter what your subject choice is?</p>

<p>I don’t think academic interest is a biggie.</p>

<p>I did note that engineering seemed to be wildly popular in the dartmouth class of 2013 (ed/likely admits) facebook group.</p>

<p>Well… Being interested to get in is kind of stupid… </p>

<p>If your not academically interested they will know.</p>

<p>My guess is that the admissions folk realize that many, if not most, 17-year olds don’t really have a clue regarding majors/careers.</p>

<p>The area of study you wish to pursue does not influence your admissions chances.</p>

<p>A huge amount (the majority?) of students are undecided coming in.</p>

<p>True, I’m really open to possible majors, but I technically put down Language & Literature as my academic interest.
According to the Dean (of CC), there is apparently a slight disadvantage to putting down “undecided” as your possible major.</p>

<p>^At some schools this is true. Dartmouth is very open about the fact that they don’t care about your demonstrated interest in the school, and they don’t care what you want to study once you are here. Essentially, they are admitting people who would be capable of doing any major.</p>