Like this sample on the ACT website?
The downloadable score report PDF does not look like the above document.
Or do we have to order and pay for this? In general, how long does it take for this to arrive after scores are posted online?
Also, how long until the high school receives the scores (so it can be entered into Naviance)?
@craspedia - ACT does not send anything by snailmail unless you order it with a 7000 school code. On the other hand, the downloadable PDF online should look exactly like the sample you show on your post. Having said that, if you took your test recently, perhaps your full score report is not ready yet - they usually make that available after your writing scores are posted.
@MedSciBud The writing score is there. The downloadable PDF score report is more like a “printable” version of the score listing shown on the screen. It’s not colorful with charts and detailed analysis like the sample in the link above.
@craspedia - I don’t know how to attach a screenshot here. But when I login, I see “Download student score report pdf”. If you are seeing only “Printer friendly version” - perhaps your score report is not ready yet. Give it a day or so and if it still does not show up - call ACT.
@MedSciBud I just re-checked it and now the new color coded report is showing up. Maybe it just takes a couple of days from score release to show up. Thanks.