Does admissions look down on class you take as pass/fail

<p>I want to take Calc as pass/fail so I do not destroy my GPA. It will be the only class I've ever taken as pass/fail at my university. How does admissions look at this?</p>

<p>Why are you taking it P/F? If you need it for something you likely need a grade in it, if you don't need it why take it at all? I can't think of any major requiring only first semester calc, there are terminal sequences of only 2 semesters. You can always take one of the calculus classes at UW if you are curious, there are several so you can choose one at your level.</p>

<p>Only if the class is titled "How To Get An "A" In Every Course".</p>

<p>I think a lot depends if it is in your major or not. If you are a ceramic arts major, I don't think art schools would care at all.</p>

<p>If you are thinking about Harvard for MBA or Law, I think anything like that would reflect negatively. If you are otherwise oustanding, I am sure they would overlook it. However, if you are one of 1000's applying, it may be one reason to pass you over for someone else.</p>

<p>You are fine. This may show a willingness on your behalf to venture outside of your comfort zone if you are not a math or math related major.</p>