Does Affirmative Action Change Admit Rates?

I am an Asian female applying to college this year. I always heard that it would be slightly harder for me to get into schools because of the higher amounts of Asians applying. I’m sure there isn’t a significant change but does the recent news regarding AA have any effect on admission chances for me in comparison to previous years (i.e. give me a higher chance compared to someone of the same demographic last year)?

Sorry if this is a silly question. I am just curious as I am not too knowledgable on the topic.


Unless someone has knowledge of the inner workings of admissions offices, I think the most honest answer is we don’t know. Selective schools still value diversity in all forms and they’ll look to meet their targets in a way that don’t run afoul of the law. But we’re don’t know how they’ll do it and whether they will have adapted to the situation by this fall or not.

My advice is to simply present your best self and not worry much about how this ruling may or may not help you.

Per long-standing policy, this is the only thread on which Affirmative Action can be discussed. Users not members of the Politics Forum will need to join before posting.
