Does anyoen know if Cornell ED applicants decrased this year or increased?

<p>Hey so i applied ED to CAS for cornell. i was purusing u columbias forum and saw that there were DRAMATIC increases in applicant numbers. One post said that stanford and MIT went up 20% and only browns ED decreased.....</p>

<p>im worried, i have heard 09 is the largest graduating class, of all things i figured ED applicants would decrease due to the econony.....</p>

<p>anyone know?</p>

<p>The early decision pool for Cornell increased by 9%</p>

<p>yes, 9% increase according to the Wall Street Journal</p>

<p>dang it, thats a large number…</p>

<p>it’s not as much as many other universities. and it was expected… so i’m not really that surprised. if anything i thought it would be even higher.</p>

<p>Yeah that sucks, but it’s actually pretty standard for top universities this year, it seems. Some where much worse hit- Wesleyan shot up 40%! (Which is weird- compared to Middlebury, Bowdoin, and a few other very similar schools, I wasn’t too impressed with Wesleyan.) I don’t know what’s up with Brown- do they not guarantee to meet demonstrated financial aid or something?</p>

<p>Duke is like 25% up and St. Olaf and GeorgeWashington are like 50%! I think Cornell’s increase is okay.</p>

<p>GW is up 50%??? That’s crazy! GW is supposedly one of the schools where you get the least-bang-for-your-buck… especially in this economy, I don’t see why it would be up so high…</p>

<p>wait, so if ed is up, that means rd went down? unless we’re accepting a greater number in general this yr?</p>

<p>its actually 10%. WSJ is wrong. the 10% came from someone who is employed in the admissions office</p>

<p>any figure for the contract colleges? ILR in particular?</p>

<p>how about in Human Ecology?</p>

<p>God i’ve been trawling these boards all day instead of studying for math II tomorow. Ughh im screwed. Need … decisions … now!</p>

<p>sooo, is rd affected then? Ive got some friends applying rd here…</p>

<p>Miktau, I haven’t heard anything official, bu tI would have to assume that ED for the contract schools is up more than the normal ones… just because in the economy, people from NYS want to secure a spot in a great school where they can get a great price.</p>

<p>yeah i figured that a while ago, I was just wondering if anyone connected with ilr admissions had some more concrete info when I called a week or two ago they had nuthin.</p>
