Does anyone else find it creepy when...

<p>Does anyoe else find it creepy when you hear students talking about how hot a teacher is or how much they like them? </p>

<p>I don't know... Something about it disturbs me. A girl in my Latin class has a cush on the teacher. It's kind of frightening... It really is.</p>

<p>I think my club volleyball coach is extremely good looking, and he’s twenty four. I understand how awfully creepy that is. Luckily, our male teachers border on the edge of creampuff/scary.</p>

<p>No… some are just THAT attractive. =]</p>

<p>There’s a teacher at school that’s like 5 ft 3in and people think she’s pretty hot. A senior last year asked her out to prom too! hahaha</p>

<p>^ Ha… TANGENT In my science class they were trying to figure out who this kid should take to the up and coming dance. They decided he should go with the science teacher with the neck beard. It was funny. I guess you had to be there.</p>

<p>The teacher I was talking about is thirty and kind of nerd-ish, so it’s odd that I keep hearing these comments…</p>

<p>Lol woami! What did she say?</p>

<p>And I agree and disagree. I always thought it was strange too and I was always like, how can anyone find their teacher attractive?! And I almost got through high school without a teacher mini-crush but then come junior year I met a cute, young science teacher who was/is super nice and really looked out for the kids so he has a great heart too. He is in his early 20s and as a junior you are either 16 or 17, so it’s not THAT weird. But I remember in 7th grade some of the girls had a crush on our history teacher who was 28 at the time, now that’s creepy. In elementary school, like 3rd/4th grade, some of the girls thought that they music teacher was cute too who was also in his mid to late 20s. That’s even worse. =/</p>

<p>LOLOL. My friend is totally head over heels over our AP Chem teacher. Apparently, her conversations with him are very creepy.</p>

<p>Oh but I also heard one of the long-term subs (who replaced a teacher who got a heart attack) dated a senior two years ago. Now THAT’s creepy. Gives me the shivers thinking about it.</p>

<p>not gonna lie… i LOVED my old gym teacher. hahaha he was 24 and beautiful. everyone in my class got wayy more exercise with him than we ever did with the female gym teacher… ahah. he was GORGEOUS.</p>

<p>^ Did he make you all sweaty and tired at the end of every session? ahahaha
The teacher refused and said that she does have a husband/boyfriend (forgot which one). She’s a really easy going teacher overall and isn’t too uptight, so the senior probably didn’t feel too embarrassed. When I first saw her though, my first thought was “why is a student wearing a nametag?” She seriously looks very young, and when compared with the girls in the grade, she fits right in; her face looks more chiseled though.</p>

<p>You know, with so many woman teachers, you’d think that more boys would have crushes on them than girls having crushes on male teachers. Not to be too rude to my teachers (I do like them for their personalities), but most of them are chunky! Where are the hot ones? :-(</p>

<p>CrystalProphecy- Hah! Maybe you and your friend to go my school and we just don’t know it! The science teacher I spoke of earlier in question was also our AP Chem teacher! Hah, weird!</p>

<p>Most of the teachers in my school are over 55 and are gross.</p>

<p>However, my APUSH teacher is a 25 year old guy fresh from college. All the girls are completely crazy for him. Apparently he spends time with students outside of class, and took a bunch of girls and their moms driving to see christmas lights over winter break. Then they went back to his house for cocoa.
That’s creepyish.</p>

<p>Anybody a gossip girl fan?
Dan and that new teacher give me the creeps too (althought she is ridiculously cute…haha).</p>




<p>That is all I must say…</p>


<p>Pretty creepy indeed.</p>

<p>Our physics teacher is absolutely gorgeous. He’s like 25, but just got married last summer :frowning:
Tons of girls have crushes on him, and I’m sure he knows. He’s very nonchalant about it though, great guy all around.</p>

<p>i think it’s creepy…it’s weird but i actually find it creepy to consider anything romance-related with people in positions of greater seniority even if they’re about the same age as you… like I would find the idea creepy with even peer advisors (upperclassmen that serve as advisers for underclassmen) even though you’re only maybe 1-2yrs apart in age</p>

<p>I don’t know, some teachers are pretty hot. What’s creepy is when the teacher reciprocates the interest.</p>

<p>I don’t find it creepy</p>

<p>My friend has had a crush on a teacher that was 38 when we were in her class and is now 40.</p>