Does anyone get a decision from Purdue University for Transfer?

Basically, I’m international students in U.S and studying at the Community College for now. I applied to Purdue computer science almost 2 months ago. I emailed to Purdue ISS,International Students and Scholar, then their answer was that Purdue will release their decision by the end of March to early April. But I’ve not got any decision from University. I’m so worry about it.

If there is anyone who got an decision from Purdue for transfer, please let me know. Then if possible, can you share the stats?

You are in the almost same situation with me. I am an international(Korea), studying at CC, and applied to cs as well… I didn’t hear anything neither. My gpa is 3.9, and I did several activities in my school.

I am an out of state transfer applicant to CS – I also have not heard back from Purdue.

Oops most of you guys are in the same situation. I can’t expect when they’ll make a decision. If you guys get a decision, can you post the decision on this? I’ll post it too if I got any answer.

anyone get yet? My friend who applied to Engineering major got acceptance letter…

nope, nothing new

Oh really? did he apply for transfer??? then he got the acceptance letter?
Geez, why they make decision differently…

we’ve not got any decision from there. I emailed to the department of admission then they said, it’ll take up to 12 weeks, 3 months…

My another friend who applied to cs got their decision as well even though he got rejected.

anyone yet?


Yes…still not yet. Does it depend on the completing the application? I completed my application on Feb 2nd.
I’m still waiting for decision… :frowning:

I don’t know. My two friends who applied to CS got their decision. One completed his application almost 3 weeks earlier than me, but the other guy who applied to Engineering completed his application almost 3weeks later than me. So, I think it is up to a department.

Geez…It makes me so down… I’m so nervous… I can’t focus on my current class lol…haha

I too completed my application of Feb 2nd. The wait is killing me. It would be nice if they told us by when they would make our decision.

Can you guys post your stat?

Yeah we are in same situation vdux12. It’s killing time. I think there are lots of students who applied to Purdue Computer Science. let’s waiting for the decision. I hope to get an positive answer from Purdue.

Did anyone else get a reply?

what is “…” this meaning?.. Not yet too… ha…

Guys, I just called Purdue, and I heard that all of applicants for CS would get a decision in beginning of June.