<p>The response like "We have recieved all your materials", "We're still missing your SAT/Toefl score", etc.</p>
<p>I turned in the application materials around mid-January. (Toefl score was sent before Christmas).
So, it's been a month now but still I didn't get any e-mail/notification from Pratt at all. Am I the only one here? </p>
<p>By the way, I applied as an Associate's Program applicant, not Undergrad.
But I guess the decision procedure is not much different.</p>
<p>heyy… i applied as an undergraduate and like you, i sent in my materials only in jan and toefl around nov. still didn’t get a single word from them! =(</p>
<p>You have to check online.
Go onto the Pratt admissions website & click apply online. Enter your password and all that (assuming you applied online) & then click the link that says “Review my activity” or something like that. It’ll say if they’ve received all of your materials or not.</p>
<p>I got a letter from them yesterday saying all my material was recieved.
They said they are unable to check status of indivdual applications until later this month and they’ll email once they begin to review.</p>
<p>I applied regular decision for undergrad Illustration around early January, and all I’ve received so far is an email saying that they got all of my materials and that they’ll be mailing out decisions in early March. </p>
<p>BOO! Patience has never been a virtue of mine.</p>
<p>Haha, I sent my stuff in a month after the deadline. It’s better than waiting until April like other schools.</p>
<p>cherrycrush021 - Thanks but I didn’t apply online so I guess that I can’t check the status online. =(</p>
<p>And thanks everyone too for coming in and telling me.</p>
<p>Recently, I visited to Pratt’s LiveJournal and there is someone posted that he didn’t get the nofication too. Then an Admissions dean came in to answer:</p>
<p>**The reason we can’t check on individual applications is that we have thousands of pieces of mail coming in that have to be alphabetized and assembled in applicant files.
As we do that, we send out emails notifying students they are complete.
Don’t worry that you haven’t heard yet. We complete a few hundred a week, and everyone will hear by the end of February if they submitted everything.
There is no way this year to check online. Our new site will have that capability.
We’re sorry about that, but we’re trying to notify everyone as quickly as possible. **</p>
<p>[pratt:</a> Help Ease My Anxiety!](<a href=“http://community.livejournal.com/pratt/1072093.html]pratt:”>Help Ease My Anxiety!: pratt — LiveJournal)</p>
<p>I guess I should be notified by the end of this month. (within 10-12 days, right?)
So, toobaboom and I have to wait for that patiently~</p>
<p>yupp yupp! patience! heh… btw, what other schools have you applied? =)</p>
<p>to tell the truth, Pratt is the only one that I’ve applied. lol. quite risky, eh?</p>
<p>I’ve been looking for schools that offer Associate’s Degree Program and Pratt is providing the most suitable curriculum for me. (I applied for Digital Design).</p>
<p>How about you, toobaboom? Are there other schools you’ve applied?
If you get into Pratt, do you want to go there?</p>
<p>heyy! i’m applying for digital media too! i got accepted to SVA, OTIS and SCAD. Right now, think i’m most probably gonna go to SVA but if Pratt accepts me too, i’ll be going down to both schools to check it out before deciding! =)</p>
<p>maybe you should apply to more schools? sorry i don’t know much about associate’s degree…</p>
<p>I see. SVA and Pratt are both great schools. You’ll probably have a hard time deciding where to attend. Good luck!</p>
<p>For college application, thanks for your concern. ^ ^
From what I’ve researched so far, schools besides Pratt that offer AOS/AAS (associate’s degree) are FIT and Parsons. </p>
<p>Parsons and FIT both don’t offer Computer graphics/Digital design major. They offer Graphic Design and Communication Design, respectively. I’ve done an internship with a Graphic Design agency. And I feel like Graphic Design doesn’t fit me much. That’s why I didn’t apply =) </p>
<p>But I should have backup plans if I can’t get into Pratt, right?
Well, Plan A : Looking for other colleges in Hong Kong or Australia.
Plan B : Getting back to work.</p>
<p>Australia maybe? Hong Kong might not be teaching it in english eh?</p>