Does anyone have questions they would like to ask Princeton AOs

<p>I'm going to an information session and it is said that there would be a long Q&A session.
I thought it would be cool to collect ideas and share information on the forum if I get them answered.</p>

<p>Is it actually true that Princeton doesn’t look at freshman year grades?</p>

<p>-(I would especially appreciate if you ask this.)</p>

<p>Princeton recalculates your GPA without using freshman grades, HOWEVER, those grades are looked at in your overall school ranking, so they will certainly affect your standing.</p>

<p>ah, but my school doesn’t rank :)</p>

<p>Is it true that Princeton pools Canadians with East-Coast USA applicants?</p>

<p>Are self-studied APs (if the school does not offer very many) taken into consideration when determining admission? </p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>If you were applying to Princeton today, would you get in?</p>

<p>^ lol, cool question. But are all Princeton AOs alumni?</p>

<p>^I doubt so.</p>

<p>^thus, case dismissed.</p>

<p>"Are self-studied APs (if the school does not offer very many) taken into consideration when determining admission? "</p>

<p>I was able to get this question answered, Princeton’s AO said that they review applicants holistically and would consider self-studied APs. They would demonstrate intellectual curiostiy and independence.</p>

<p>The other questions, sorry guys, there was a large crowd and I didn’t have the chance.</p>

<p>@ Eiswein…thank you so much :)</p>

<p>^No problem ;)</p>

<p>Self-studied APs are acceptable??</p>

<p>^Why wouldn’t they be?</p>

<p>Is doing a ‘certificate program’ as good as doing a major?
Thanks. :)</p>

<p>^ I’ve already got back from the session but the AO mentioned something about certificate programs. If I remember clearly she said that they are “basically what majors are at other schools, they name it that because they like to be different.”*</p>

<p>*“they like to be different” was a joke she repeated in several occasions, the AO was good-humored. lol</p>

<p>I think it’s just a facade to bring our guards down and then pounce. lol. Do the AO’s sort of take stock of the applicants during these visits?</p>

<p>Not for this session, there were around 100 people</p>