<p>i've applied to IUB and been accepted for entry this fall. it's a pretty new private university (founded in 1999), offering 3-year undergraduate programs (as compared to the 4-year system in most US colleges). it is, as its name suggests, very international and diversified - 85 nations are represented!</p>
<p>if your intended major is in the science field, i'd say it's definitely worth going there! the school of engineering and science is particularly strong. if your interest lies in the humanities or social sciences, IUB is still a very good choice. (i myself intend to major in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology)</p>
<p>and yes, IUB graduates do go to very good grad schools, both in the US and the UK - Cambridge, Oxford, Yale, Stanford, Cornell, NYU, Johns Hopkins, etc. for a detailed list of the class of 2005's grad school plans, see the following file:</p>
<p>the generous merit-based scholarships and financial aid offered by IUB is another big plus. admission is need-blind, and all applicants are automatically considered for scholarships. if you haven't, visit IUB's website for more details:</p>