<p>For example, APUSH of AB Calc?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>For example, APUSH of AB Calc?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I have the EXACT same question… but no one seems to know People who took ap art history told me they recognize some that are repeated?
But idk…</p>
<p>I’d like to know this too! </p>
<p>(For APUSH, AP chem and AP Bio)</p>
<p>It is for AP Euro/USH/World History</p>
<p>^^ what about ART history?</p>
<p>Questions are never repeated verbatim, but it’s easy to see general trends and topics that are usually covered in an AP Exam. For example, there is usually a Brown v. Board of Education MC question in APUSH. Another example would be a Federalist No.10 question in AP US Gov. Take a couple of practice tests and see what repeating trends you notice.</p>
<p>Calculus is another matter. If you think about it, practically all problems are “repeats” because they, in one way or another, test the same concepts that should be covered in calculus. There’s going to be a definite integral question, but it won’t help you to memorize all of the definite integral problems in past exams. Obviously, understanding how to solve those kinds of problems would actually help.</p>
Yeah, since there is only so much that they can ask you that is covered in the scope of the AP history curriculum.</p>
<p>For the AP chem, do they test the same concepts over and over?</p>
<p>YUSS! So for AP Art History… I should just go over every single released questions & knw the answer??? So I’ll get a higher score!!! Baaaam passing this exam!!!</p>
<p>I don’t think released questions will be repeated (that would be stupid).</p>
<p>^^ that’s what I thought… Cause then it’d be easy to pass. But idk… I’ll just know the correct answers & take all the exams so I’d get a higher score</p>