Does anyone know if TCU has any martial arts clubs/organizations/classes?

<p>Any info will be appreciated.</p>

<p>Yepp we have a Tae Kwon Do club [TCU</a> Tae Kwon Do Club](<a href=“]TCU”> and classes are offered from 2:00 to 3:20 on Tuesday and Thursday. You can register for it and take it as a 1 credit hour class. As for other forms of martial arts, youre out of luck. Sadly there’s no MMA, Jiu Jitsu, Krav, Muay Thai, etc. but with the ROTC presence on campus, you could very very easily start an MMA club or something if you wanted. Same with Boxing–I see a good amount of them around doing bagwork.</p>

<p>There are also gyms for all these other sports pretty close to campus. I can give you locations if you want. And TCU, for what its worth, has a good punching bag that I beat the crap out of.</p>

<p>Thanks dude. Maybe i’ll join it when I start this fall.</p>