Does anyone know the acceptance rate for CAMD in Northeastern? Any thoughts/information are appreciated!

Hello! Northeaster is my daughter’s dream school. She is apply for college of Arts, media and design next year. I wonder if anyone could please share the application statistics for this college. I also wonder if the choice of majors within the college on application will make any difference. I guess some majors are more popular/competitive than others? She is particularly interested in the behavior neuroscience and design major. Thank you in advance!

So, lots of things to go over here…

  1. Northeastern hasn’t posted any stats for college-specific admissions. If you’re applying for AMD, then your daughter should prepare to submit a portfolio for whatever she’s interested in (as it is encouraged). I will say that your chances at admission can vary from school to school based on your profile. As in, somebody with a ton of Engineering related classes and ECs is more likely to be admitted to the College of Engineering than to the College of AMD. So hopefully your daughter’s profile matches her interests…

  2. No, the choice of major within the college does not matter, especially within a school like AMD. Northeastern admits by college, not by major. Only the most competitive majors like Computer Science will have an impact. Behavior neuroscience and design (sounds cool but) is certainly not one of them.

  3. Has she visited the school? Talked to the people there? “Dream schools” can change pretty quickly after a few college visits. Just curious about the context here… I’m assuming she’s a junior, so you have plenty of time. Don’t sweat it too much right now.

Tagging @TomSrOfBoston who may have additional insights.

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Thank you so much Kata for your insight! She visited the campus last year during Thanksgiving break and fell in love with Northeastern!!!Yes she is a junior. Sounds like you know a lot of iabout this school. I heard if you check NUI for first year on the application, you have a better a chance to get in. Is it true? Thank you in advance!

Thank you @DadOfJerseyGirl

By NUI… I’m assuming you’re talking about the first year study abroad program, NUin, correct? Just want to clarify before responding…

Yes, sorry for the typo!

Yeah, so on that…

Does your daughter actually want to do that? She’ll be spending her first semester abroad… in a foreign country. Unless she wants to do that, I don’t see a reason to apply to it… it’s probably not worth the slight increase in admission chance.

Also, again, it is a bit early, but start considering Early Decision 1 if she loves the school that much (if financially feasable).

Northeastern’s ED1 acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 was 38.9% (as opposed to the RD acceptance rate of 6%).

Thank you Kata! She has made the decision to apply for ED1. :slight_smile: I know its a lot of money…It’s very hard to get into any UC schools in California these days…

NU In involves spending the Fall semester abroad, not the entire freshman year. Spring semester would be in Boston. These are the options for freshman admission aside from Boston from the website:
Starting at Northeastern’s Oakland degree granting campus
Admission to First semester abroad at a partnership location
Admission to Global Scholars: First two semesters at two separate NU campuses (London and Oakland)
Admission to London Scholars: First two semesters at our London campus

If a non-Boston start location is your first choice I believe that your chances of admission would be greater than if you choose Boston first.

Otherwise, ED would greatly increase your chance of admission. Northeastern also offers a financial aid preread if you are considering EDI but are concerned about finances.

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Thank you so much for your input Tom! Very helpful!!

My bad on that. I meant to write first semester. And yes, the chances of admission would be greater for a non-Boston… but in my opinion, it isn’t worth the added boost unless she actually wants to do it.

As long as the student is in the top 9% of their school, they are guaranteed admission to at least one UC.

Yes but that usually implies UC Merced… even UCSC, which was typically a safety UC for many kids, is hard to get into these days.


API would have your child discus all of these questions with an NU admissions counselor, but know that NU does not really admit based on major or college. It’s not like applying to ne college or program gives you an advantage. They do seem to award honors etc by college however.

As someone else mentioned, be sure your child submits a portfolio (listed under CAMD but for any majors actually) as it can raise your profile’s attention and possibly be awarded additional scholarship funds. My D received an amazing scholarship based on her portfolio alone (at that time it was granted after her admissions and previous FA was provided.)