Does anyone know the average stats for SoM?

<p>Still haven't received anything and Im confused</p>

<p>I was accepted EA yesterday of SoM</p>

<p>SAT: 1900 (superscored)
GPA: 98.88 (weighted)
Rank: Top 10%
All AP’s and honors
A bunch of community service, work, and after school clubs</p>

<p>do you think i have a chance?
act: 28 (superscore 29)
gpa: 4.3 weighted
school doesn’t rank
Mostly aps and honors classes
varsity sport, community service, jobs, tutoring and multiple honor socities</p>

<p>whats ur gpa unweighted ^</p>

<p>my school doesnt do unweighted gpas but i have around an A average @RealTalkdoe</p>

<p>According to the website:
Class of 2013 enrollment: 201 freshmen, 75 transfers
Current number of SOM undergraduate students: 1,400
Number of SOM undergraduate applications received: 4,725
Average combined SAT score (Two Part): 1,325
High School average: 95</p>

<p>I would say the average transfer GPA is at least 3.5. The SOM acceptance rate is roughly 24%</p>

<p>With that being said, I was accepted with 42cr and a 3.9gpa. I also worked 24hrs a week and had a few extra curricular (PTK, Honors, Military etc.). </p>

<p>What is your status?</p>

<p>Militaryscholar, where did you get the acceptance rate of 24%? The university rate is about twice that but I could not find any information about the acceptance rate for SOM.</p>

<p>@lostaccount‌ Businessweek claims a 24% acceptance and 27% yield among 5,194 applicants. This equates to an enrollment of roughly 337 students. According to the SOM website, the “class of 2013” consists of 201 freshmen and 75 transfer from a pool of 4,725 applicants. If there is a 27% yield, this would indicate an acceptance rate of ~ 21.5%</p>