Does anyone know the orientation dates for Freshmen yet?

Has anyone been able to access the page where it lists the orientation dates for freshmen yet? If so, could someone list them here? It seems you have to commit before you can see the page.


Bumping this up. If there’s someone who can access that page due to already accepting - would you mind posting the dates? It would be extremely appreciated as it will help for summer planning. Thanks!

I called admissions they said their orientation dates will be in May and June…I don’t have exact dates sorry

Most Orientation dates run from around Memorial Day to the end of June. It’s usually a 3 day event, where you arrive in the evening of day 1, then have a full day on day 2, then a partial day 3 before you leave early PM. So it’s usually just under 48 hours from start to finish. So for example, you might arrive Monday night and leave Wednesday PM. There’s usually multiple sessions running concurrently too so you might arrive Monday when the Sunday-Tuesday session is going (though I don’t know if Sunday-Tuesday is one group, I’d have to ask a friend that will be an Orientation Leader this year).

When I went, I was there either Monday to Wednesday or Tuesday to Thursday. I honestly don’t remember which. It was in the middle of June though.