Does anyone know where each Freshman Learning Community is located?

I wanted to be located in the Northern Mountain Dorms or Sierra Madre/Yosemite Dorms and definitely not the red brick dorms, so I was wondering if anyone knew which learning community was located where? I don’t really care about which learning community I am in as long as it’s not Substance Free or Honors since I don’t think I got into honors. Does anyone know what dorms the learning communities are in this year? Thank you all so much for your help and Congratulations to everyone who got accepted!
Also, I heard a rumor that there will not be apartments for freshmen this year, is that true? thanks!

Current freshmen here, involved in Inter-Housing Council.
Unless you have a medical necessity, there are no apartments for freshmen next year (Cerro/PCV will only be continuing students). The learning communities change year to year, and will especially be different next year with the addition of Yakʔityuityu. Little insider bit- as far as I know, they haven’t even made any decisions yet on which housing will be which LC next year, except for Yak (though I don’t know, or would be able to disclose that info). Unless you go honors/substance free/ a few of the college ones (really just engineering or ag), your LC literally does not matter past the application.
Rn the towers are engineering/CSM, so more quiet and studious. Not sure what north mountain technically is but it’s quite social and fun there. Red bricks are all by the different colleges, as far as I know. But plenty of kids from different colleges are mixed in still (think aeros with the ag kids, etc).
May I ask why “definitely not the red brick dorms”? They’re actually what most people wish they were in now, as far as I’ve been hearing (depending on the kind of vibe you want).

@kylieb317 is CENG in the towers this year or next? My daughter wants to be in the eng dorm, but was hoping for red bricks. Thanks for the info.

@kylieb317 Thank you so much for all this information! The reason I didn’t want to be in the red bricks is that I heard that they were pretty crowded and smelled bad 24/7, but I don’t know if that’s true. Also when I visited they looked super crowded to me. I’m not sure though and I’m going to visit again in April so I’ll look again!
Thanks for all the information!
One more question! When you say none of the learning communities really matter afterward except for engineering or ag, what do you mean? I am an ag major so I might apply for ag housing so what is different about that?

@colton27 I just mean you will absolutely never do/hear about anything related to the “learning community” ever again haha. The only reason I mentioned some exceptions being within major-related colleges has nothing to do with doing anything related to the college, and more to do with those having a higher ratio of people within that college to people not, if that makes sense… basically, if you chose “iCommunity” or “cooking” or whatever, it means absolutely nothing. If you chose “the college of agriculture”, it still means nothing, BUT you’d likely be surrounded by mostly other ag kids.
Yes, the redbricks are crowded, but remember that’s with them being almost exclusively triples this year; and next year will be only doubles (as far as I know). The smell is true, but that’s true in any “dorm style” housing (especialy in the boy’s wing).

@MelloG The engineering kids are in Yosemite this year, but the community’s locations will change year to year, and haven’t even been decided for next year yet.