Does anyone

<p>not like UCLA?</p>

<p>People who get rejected</p>

<p>USC might have a problem with UCLA…</p>

<p>Yeah I know a lot of students here who don’t like UCLA</p>

<p>do you know why they don’t?
They say college is the time when you meet your lifelong friends, but it’s the second quarter and i haven’t met anyone who I can see myself being friends with after college.</p>

<p>So… you’re saying you don’t like ucla? </p>

<p>Are you having trouble making good friends or just friends at all? It can be tough, especially when there 12 million other students here and everyone seems to be busy with their own things. Try joining a club that you’re interested in so you can meet people that share the same interests.</p>

<p>Seriously, there are a lot of people. Hard to not find some good friends.</p>



<p>For a variety of reasons… classes too big, impersonal, atmosphere, not prestigious enough…etc</p>

<p>Give it some time and definitely join a club or two. Try to get involved on your floor as well.</p>