Does applying early for UC raise the acceptance chance?

I am a senior and I am planning to apply to a few UC schools. I’ve heard that applying early than the deadline raises my acceptance chance. Is it true?

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In a word, no.
You have the deadline of Nov. 30th. Do not wait to apply. The system always crashes when inundated by thousands of applicants on the last day.

The adcoms are not going to start reviewing applications until the deadline has passed.


I agree with @aunt_bea that past history has had the UC website crash due to the sheer volume of applications submitted at the last minute. Please try to submit this week if possible, but submitting early does not increase your chances. The UC’s are all regular decision so being the early bird only guarantees that they will not have any computer issues when submitting your application.

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In other words, as long as you get your application in, earlier or later does not matter.

But trying to submit the application at the last minute risks not getting it in due to system overload or crash. If that happens, your chance of admission falls to zero.