Does applying early to a CSU have any advantages?

<p>Say application submissions start October 1. If say you apply by October 7 and the deadline is about November 30, do you have any advantages over the November people? Are you more likely to get a spot?
All factors are the same otherwise.</p>

<p>Technically no, but what my guidance counselor told me (regarding a different school - I have no experience with CSU) is that they are more lenient early on in the application submission cycle, because there are more empty slots in the class. As the weeks go on, and they have accepted a lot of people, they have to tighten their guidelines a littleā€¦ Just speculative, not sure if this is actually true!</p>

<p>Cal State schools do not prioritize by application date. There is no advantage to applying the day applications open vs. the day they close.</p>