Does applying for spring session reduce my chances?

<p>I am a US permanent resident living abroad willing to apply at Purdue University's computer science program for the spring 14 session as a freshman. Do you think applying for the spring session will reduce my chances of being accepted? The fall 13 deadlines are over and if I apply for fall 14 I will just have to sit idle at home for 1 more year and that is something I really do not want to do. So, spring 14 seems to be the only option for me now. My SAT score is pretty good (2030 overall with 740 in maths, 580 in CR, 710 in Writing) and so are my GCE O and A level results,and I expect my SAT II scores to be good as well. I have a few extra curricular activities as well including guitar, photography, volunteer work in community service, basic programming knowledge and I was also member of many clubs in high school. I have heard of many people with similar stats get into Purdue, but all of them were fall applicants. I feel that I would have a good chance had I applied for the fall session, but the fact that I am a spring applicant is making me very skeptical of getting in. Do you think I should be fine or do I really have reasons to be anxious?</p>

<p>If I recall there is another deadline for Fall '13.</p>

<p>There is a March 1 deadline for fall 2013 admission for most programs including computer science. <a href=“[/URL]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah I know that there is another deadline at March. However, I cannot apply now as I am busy with my A Level exams now and after that it will be too late for me to apply. Besides, I guess applying so late will reduce my chances by a great margin. So I will be applying for the spring 14 session and I would like to know if it will reduce my chances of getting accepted.</p>