Does being Hispanic really help?

<p>I've always wondered if being Hispanic really does help to get into a top tier school. Is it just a myth or does anyone have some concrete proof of this being true? I'm Hispanic myself and your responses will really help me out. Thanks in advance for your input!</p>

<p>Being Hispanic can help in college admissions, however how much depends on many factors. Please see post #2 and the link provided in it for my thoughts on the factors that influence admissions for Hispanic students:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>One thing to understand is that selective schools have many highly qualified Hispanic applicants, the competition within the Hispanic cohort increases every year.</p>

<p>See the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum for information about diversity fly-in programs, scholarships, summer programs, etc.</p>