Does choice of major influence your chances?

<p>Lets say I am applying for a competitive school, and I have made many accomplishes and achievements (classes, competitions, etc) in just one area - english. Thats the only thing going for me, along with a competitve gpa. I've literally done nothing else on any other field.</p>

<p>So if I choose an english major as well as write my personal statements based on my english experience, the admission officers would see me as having a passion and devotion in english, right? And this passion is a good thing, so it would probably be a huge plus for me.</p>

<p>BUUUT what if my essays are about english, I talk about how passionate I am in english and all that good stuff, and yet I chose a totally unrelated field - such as engineering or math? Will the admission officers see this and see that I have not as much passion for english as I could have, thus taking away that huge plus I could have possibly gained? Would it be advantageous for me to just choose my major in english at first, then if I get accepted to the school I immediately change my major?</p>

<p>Help please!</p>

<p>not really because most schools admit students by college. So you can pick a major from biology to history but for most schools both will be under the college of arts and sciences, so it wouldn’t make a difference.</p>

<p>I understand that if the subjects are all under one college then that is fine, but I am talking more from the viewpoint of an admission officer when he evaluates what kind of student I am. I mean, majoring in the same subject that I compete in would show more passion, right? Wouldn’t that slightly increase my chance of getting in, compared to someone else that lacks focus in area?</p>