<p>Does CO2 dissolve in water? I didn't think so since CO2 is technically nonpolar and water is polar, but I've come across a few questions in Barron's that says it does dissolve.</p>
<p>Also, what about O2? O2 is definitely nonpolar..so I would expect water to not dissolve it. But I looked on the internet, and found on a discussion board an explanation--can anybody confirm its validity/explain it because it is so complicated? <a href="http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061117082852AAT1xOO%5B/url%5D">http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061117082852AAT1xOO</a></p>
<p>One more thing: what is the difference between dissocation & ionization & dissolving? And is dissolving (or dissociation or ionization) considered a chemical reaction since bonds are broken?</p>
<p>Thank youuuuu! Good luck to everyone getting scores in a few hours!!!! AHH!</p>