<p>Alright this isn't the standard question regarding test scores, chances, or other academic liveries. This is about college life in UCLA as a whole.</p>
<p>Senior year has started, and I'm really hating school right now...it feels like I don't fit here, people don't have the same interests as I have, a majority of people are so immature and shallow. I really believe there's a huge correlation between intelligence and maturity for people in general.
Only about 6 people including me (2220) out of 500 seniors in this class broke a 2000 on the SAT...that's how pathetic our school is. </p>
<p>I don't have any friends to connect with in high school..I feel really alone and misplaced. I've always felt this way since HS started, but now it pains even more. I'm usually a really good fun person to hang out with. Like I got into COSMOS and oh boy it was such a fun experience! People were so nice, I had a blast..made meaningful friends. The girls were really nice and fun too! haha.</p>
<p>My question is, does college life get better than the stupid high school crap I'm dealing with now? According to my councelor, I have a good chance that I might end up at UCLA. So I really need to know.
In HS, I had one female friend who I thought would be a really good friend of mine...but she betrayed me and now I feel so broken..we were so close, and now this?? A lot of people are like her as I realize it now. No one respects friendship. Everyone is so rude.
Does life get ANY better in UCLA??? Is it possible to make meaningful friends, meet nice people who genuinly care?
If I had one wish, I wish I was Charmander...that way I can just burn my school down and get this over with
<p>Well the generic answer is yes, it can be anything you want it to be. That also means you have to try and make friends through what you’re given. There are clubs, sports, etc. Join up and hook up. It’s all up to you. If you find that you’re not connecting with anyone at UCLA, then perhaps you should start up a Pokemon club and see who shows up. </p>
<p>PS: Just because you dont break a 2000 on SATs doesnt mean you’re an idiot.</p>
<p>^^and if you do…it doesnt make you smart lol. </p>
<p>…you want to burn your school down? doesnt enough stuff get burned down in cali? lol if you hate your high school cuz kids r stupid you might like ucla. if you dont like the type of kids than you probably wont like ucla. high school has every type of student. college usually has 1 type of student(athletic,academic, interestes in science, arts, etc</p>
<p>^ Not true, UCLA has a lot diversity: there are students of various types with all kinds of different interests. It’s a large school, and I’m sure you’ll find someone with some common interests. But it takes initiative … you can’t just go and expect friends to come. You have to go and make friends: clubs/frats/sports/classmates/roommates, etc…</p>
<p>I completely sympathize with you. If you think bad of your high school, I assure you that mine was even worse. (problems with drugs, gangs, etc. were relatively commonplace at my HS) BTW, I’m an incoming freshman to ucla in civil engineering.</p>
<p>High school is what it is. It will always have the low-level classes and sleazy characters. Just know that college actually WILL be whatever you make of it. High school is intrinsically severely limited, but I’m cautiously optimistic that college will be truly be the proverbial case of “drinking from a fire-hose,” in that you do anything and everything that you WANT to do (because everything that you want to do is actually available to you, unlike in HS), and you meet your really meant-to-be friends. Towards my final days in HS, one of my teachers whom I was really close to said to me, “You’ll meet more of your ilk at ucla.” That’s how it is–inevitably you get frustrated in HS if you’re intelligent. I can say that even though my HS had 3000 students–so, in a nutshell, it’s totally normal to feel that way. If anything, I’d say it’s a compliment to your integrity and intelligence that you see things the way they really are.</p>
<p>And by the way–what’s your intended major? Since you went to COSMOS, I assume you’re engineering? (I hadn’t heard of Cosmos until recently, but it really sounds awesome! I wish that I had the chance for it while in high school.)</p>
<p>Well, think about it for a few minutes. You’re an adult in the eyes of the law. That may not seem that big of a deal, but it is. Your parents can’t tell you how/what to do anymore. If you’ve got the backing to support yourself without them, you never have to speak to them again if you don’t want to (not saying you or I would or should, just making a point). You really can’t fathom the freedom you have until you get here and have lived it for a month or so.</p>
<p>You can literally wake up one morning and say “screw class, I’m going to Kentucky,” go down to Union Station or LAX, and go to ****ing Kentucky at the drop of a hat. NOBODY can stop you.</p>
<p>As for the social stuff, relax. You say you’re a cool, so you’ll be alright. Don’t be a shut-in, talk to people, network. Its all part of college life :D.</p>
<p>Last thing: everyone who goes to UCLA has achieved something in their life. That means the only time you’ll ever see that burnout, druggy, gangster, or stupid person from your high school again is if you’re walking back from class and they’re on a tour, gawking at the place that people who will amount to something in life dwell and learn.</p>
<p>There is a phrase, “Wherever you go, there you are.” What you are describing does not have anything to do with high school or college, but your perspective on what is going on around you. If you can alter your perspective, you can be happy anywhere you go, otherwise the same “crap” you are dealing with now is going to follow you around your whole life.</p>
<p>imo, forget the past…it’s behind you now. sucks that you are going to a bad high school, but the question you can ask yourself is “what can you do about it now?”
1.) work hard on college apps to get yourself out of that place
2.) enjoy your senior year. to tell you the truth, you don’t need a billion friends to enjoy yourself, you just need one person and there is no written rule that this person needs to be from your high school (although this would be nice and convenient). what about some of your cosmos friends? seems like you liked them…</p>