Does Colorado College have any name recognition?

I went there and my son has applied there as well as Kenyon, Skidmore and Sarah Lawrence. My concern is that it is a very expensive school offering a first rate education, so it will be frustrating for him if when he enters the job market, no one has heard of the school and has no idea how good it is. It was a problem for me back in the day.

I think this is an issue for all LACs. Plenty of people have heard of it, yet many have not. It will depend on geography and just who you talk to. In my circles, it is no less well known than the others on the list.

If it’s the right place for your son, I would not be dissuaded by name recognition concerns.

Thanks Garden State. Obviously you’re in New Jersey. I’m in Maryland and my son plans to remain in this general area. That’s relevant because I find in my travels that Colorado College is far better known in the Midwest and the West. I suppose he should keep in mind that whatever LAC you went to, who ever has or has not heard of it, show up at your first job with a keen analytical mind and great writing skills, and you got your money’s worth.