<p>I'm looking at my IDocs right now and although i did list Cornell for the CSS profile, it does not appear that Cornell is part of the list for IDocs ? Do i have to send a seperate packet to the financial aid office of my parents tax return? Thanks</p>
<p>No, Cornell does not receive documents from IDOC. </p>
<p>In fact, you are to send those documents directly to Cornell’s financial office. You would send 2008 tax return in January and 2009 tax return when you decide that you will enroll at Cornell.</p>
<p>Cornell financial office states that:</p>
<p>"Step 1: Complete Online
2010-2011 CSS PROFILE
items are due January 2, 2010.</p>
<p>Step 2: Send to Cornell
Parents’ 2008 signed federal tax returns. Please include all schedules and copies of actual W2s.
Cornell’s 2010 Freshman Financial Aid Application
items are due January 2, 2010.</p>
<p>Step 3: Your Aid Decision
Your financial aid decision arrives in early April
Send your acceptance coupon and deposit by May 1</p>
<p>Step 4: Finalizing your Aid Package
Send parents’ 2009 signed federal tax returns to Cornell’s Processing Center. Please include all schedules and copies of actual W2s.
Send 2009 signed student federal tax return and W2s to Cornell’s Processing Center. If not required to file, please submit a signed non-filing statement.
Complete the 10-11 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online
items are due May 1, 2010."</p>
<p>Yeah, i just was browsing through their website and i didn’t see much about 2009 tax returns . Thanks so much for the help and clarification soadquake and quince! =D</p>