Does Dartmouth Require SAT II Scores?

<p>I've been gettin' different vibes from different sources.</p>

<p>I know that if you submit the SAT I, then you have to submit 2 SAT II's.</p>

<p>But if you submit the ACT, do you have to submit any?</p>

<p>I know it was policy at Penn that submitting SAT II’s wasn’t necessary if submitting ACT.</p>

<p>Maybe also the same with Brown?</p>


<p>Yes. You do. 100% sure.</p>

<p>I took the ACT and 3 subject tests (although only two are necessary)</p>

<p>Yes, SAT IIs are required whether you take the SATI or the ACT</p>



<p>Would it hurt if i submitted more than 2, would they think im trying to show off and get annoyed?</p>

<p>^No, it wouldn’t hurt. Many schools claim that they will look at only your top two subjects if you submit more than two.</p>