Does daughter have a chance at Tufts ED?

SAT is a little bit on the lower side, 1420. GPA 4.6. EC average, not very strong. Is there a chance to get in Tufts ED?

Thanks for all your input!

Someone said Tufts ED for SAT is above 1450.

Yes, the 25th percentile is 1450 per the common data set:

I believe Tufts is test optional so I would recommend not submitting the 1420.

There is a big boost in apply ED at Tufts. 26% acceptance rate vs 11%. If that’s the top choice and affordable, give it a go.


Where does the 4.6 put your kid in terms of class rank, top 5%; 10%; 25%? How have other students done at your HS with similar stats as your kid? Any feedback from your guidance counselor?

Is Tufts affordable? If you ED, you are stuck unless you can show financial hardship.

If Tufts is an affordable clear first choice, as @momofboiler1 suggests, ED but go test optional.


Who is we? Are you conjoined twins?

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[quote=“Thank Eeyore123, post:6, topic:3621363”]

Thank u very much!

Thank u for your input!

Of course not, haha

Did you end up taking a gap year this year? This is your March thread.

I only ask…because before you do anything else…make sure Tufts is affordable for your family. Did you run the net price calculator?

Are you eligible for need based aid….or are you looking for merit aid?

Yeah, lot of going on… Thanks!

So…if you really want folks to give you some idea of your chances…I’d like to point out…you didn’t answer any of my questions.

Last year, University of Rochester (IIRC meets full need…@creekland) didn’t give you any aid…although it was unclear if you even applied for need based aid.

Tufts is need aware for admissions for all students. Your level of financial need will be considered when your application for admission is reviewed.


Do we have a chance?

I changed the thread title, since we are not the Queen of England, nor is the OP applying to university.

OP is the mother. I assume we are talking 2 different children.

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Maybe the OP will clarify!

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